Wednesday, January 11, 2023

UNIT V : Advanced Microprocessors: Questions and Notes.


Advanced Microprocessors: 80386- Features, block diagram, data types, supported registers, memory system, real mode and protected mode operation, descriptors, cache register, control register, paging mechanism, virtual mode, and protection mechanism for operating system. Comparative Study of Modern Microprocessor (Web based Reference for study): Pentium Pro (Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV), Core i3, i5, i7 and Atom processors.

Syllabus Source:


1.Study Features and Architecture / Block Diagram of 80386. (See Class Notes)

😃What to Observe:

i. see process or flow in diagrams from block to block.

ii. see Different Functional Units like BIU, Memory Management Units etc

iii. See the General , Special and Flag Registers.

2. Study Features and Architecture / Block Diagram of Pentium Processor. (See Class Notes).

😃What to Observe:

i. see process or flow in diagrams from block to block.

ii. see 2 ALU's U pipe 32 bit and V Pipe 32 Bit in Execution Unit.

CSVTU asked Questions(Compiled from Previous Year Question Papers)

08 marks or 10 marks Questions : Long Answer Type

1. Explain the internal architecture of 80386 and register organization.


    Draw and explain the block diagram of 80386.

    (😃Distribution of Marks: 5 Marks for Diagram 5 Marks for Explanation Total 10 Marks)

Ans: Architecture of 80386: 

Register organization of 80386: 

General Registers

The general registers of the 80386 are the 32-bit registers EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EBP, ESP, ESI, and EDI. 

Segment Registers

At any given instant, six segments of memory may be immediately accessible to an executing 80386program. The segment registers CS, DS, SS, ES, FS, and GS are used to identify these six current segments.

Flags Register: 

The flags register is a 32-bit register named EFLAGS.

2. Explain the Real mode and Protected mode operation in detail for 80386.


    Explain and compare real, protected and virtual mode operation of 80386 microprocessor.

3. Write the difference between Pentium pro (Pentium II, Pentium III and Pentium IV).


1. The Pentium processor was the first x86 processor with superscalar architecture

2. The Pentium processor also features a 64-bit external data bus, which doubles the amount of information it is possible to read or write on each memory access. 

3. Pentium Pro was introduced in 1995.

The various functional units are as follows:

  1. Bus unit
  2. Paging unit
  3. Control ROM
  4. Prefetch buffer
  5. Execution unit with two integer pipeline (U-pipe and V-pipe)
  6. Code cache
  7. Data cache
  8. Instruction decode
  9. Branch target buffer
  10. Dual processing logic
  11. Advanced programmable interrupt controller

Source: electronics Desk

NOTE: The execution unit within the Pentium microprocessor contains two integer pipelines namely U-pipe and V-pipe and each one has its separate ALU. 

There are five stages in which these pipelines operate, namely, 






The U-pipe is responsible for executing all integer as well as floating-point instructions while 

V-pipe executes simple integer and some floating-point instructions.

4. Compare core i3, i5 and i7 and atom processors.


    Write the comparison between Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 under following parameters:


Intel Core i7

Intel Core i5

Intel Core i3

Fabrication process





Number of Core




Turbo boost





Size of L2 Cache




Hyper threading





Number of thread




Power consumption




if above Questions are done we can easily give differences between 8086, 80386, Pentium, i series and Atom Processors.

02 marks Questions: Short Answer Type or Write Short Notes on Following:

1. What are segment descriptors in 80386?

2. What is flag register in 80386.

3. Explain paging mechanism in detail in 80386.

Notes and Other points will keep on updating 💨💬💭. Visit this blog on regular Basis.

Thank you all


Pradeep Kumar

Images may be subject to copyright

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